Texas Children’s partners with Weight Watchers to offer employee discount on all Weight Watchers services

May 12, 2015


Texas Children’s is excited to announce a new partnership with Weight Watchers allowing all Texas Children’s employees to receive 50 percent off all Weight Watchers services.

Weight Watchers programming helps individuals lose weight in a healthy holistic way. This is accomplished by developing healthy routines, creating social support, learning to eat smarter and finding physical activities you enjoy.

51315weightwatcherschart900Texas Children’s is proud to partner with Weight Watchers because both organizations believe that every person has the power to succeed and want to help motivate you every step of the way.

Weight Watchers participants will have access to information, knowledge, tools and support to help them make decisions about nutrition and exercise that are right for them. The program encourages participants to enjoy their relationship with food and their bodies while accomplishing their health and image goals.

According to Weight Watchers, “Weight management is a partnership between our knowledge and your effort, and trust us; your efforts will pay off!”

Partnership Perks

  • 50 percent off monthly at work and community meetings pass
  • 50 percent off monthly online pass
  • Ability to attend unlimited community meetings
  • Hold At Work group meetings at any campus location with 15 or more employee participants
  • Optional weekly confidential weigh-ins to help you stay accountable
  • eTools to track points and activity, browse recipes, and receive social support
  • 24/7 online chat support

Texas Children’s is committed to supporting your health and well-being by creating opportunities for you to thrive in the workplace, at home and in the community. We appreciate your hard work and hope you take advantage of this incredible offering.

For more information about the Weight Watchers program or to enroll, visit the Wellness website on Connect.