Final episode of “We’ve Got Your Back” focuses on desk stretches

August 26, 2019

This month, Texas Children’s Health & Well-Being team partnered with colleagues from Environmental Health & Safety, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Occupational & Physical Therapy to launch the “We’ve Got Your Back” video series, which empowers our employees with advice and insight to prevent back pain in the workplace – no matter your location, shift or role.

In the first three episodes of the series, our featured experts offered tips and instructions to empower employees to arrange a safe and comfortable work environment with attention to ergonomics; properly lift and lower objects with the right body mechanics and techniques; and complete hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches and planks to maintain flexibility and strengthen the core. In the final video of the series on desk stretches, Health Coach Jackie Pacheco of Employee Health & Well-Being shares stretches you can perform at your desk any time to help loosen your spine and relieve tension.

“We have a large percentage of employees who work at a desk and spend prolonged periods during the day sitting down,” said Pacheco, who is also a certified personal trainer, ergonomics and safety specialist and athletic trainer. “I want to help our employees maintain their lower back flexibility and help prevent any discomfort that can happen when you’re stuck at a desk all day.”

Click here to watch the fourth and final episode of “We’ve Got Your Back,” which showcases several easy and effective stretches that you can complete without ever leaving your office. You’ll start off with a few moves to do right from your chair, then progress into sit-to-stands and lunges that ensure your tissue is fully extended. When you’re done, your body will be looser, more limber and ready to get back to work.

Missed an episode of “We’ve Got Your Back” or want to watch them all again? Follow the links below to access each video in the series.

Episode 1: Ergonomics
Episode 2: Proper Lifting Techniques
Episode 3: Exercises to Prevent Back Pain
Episode 4: Desk Stretches