Three volunteers share their stories of service

May 13, 2024

Volunteers at Texas Children’s come from all sorts of backgrounds. Like employees Paul Ellis and Andrea Kincaid, and medical student Jose Ramirez, they each have individual and deep connections to our hospital. All are driven to make a difference in the lives of patients and their families through service.

Paul: Inspired to comfort

Paul Ellis, a seasoned project manager, joined our Information Services team in 2022. He and his wife faced the devastating loss of their 20-year-old son, Matthew, six years ago. Strengthened by the support of people they didn’t know from a local church, they found solace and a newfound passion for helping others.

Soon after joining Texas Children’s, Paul sought volunteer opportunities. After prayerful consideration, he became a spiritual care volunteer, providing comfort to families in need. He also trained as a baby holder, supporting NICU nurses and giving beneficial comfort to our smallest patients.

Reflecting on his experiences, Paul recalls sharing joyful moments of play with a young heart transplant patient. When the brave little boy’s transplant was ultimately not successful, Paul felt privileged to be there for his family in their time of need.

“I meet parents and children of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, offering comfort and support. Whether I’ve provided a smile, information about the hospital or about chaplaincy, my desire is for every person to leave feeling better in some way.”

Andrea: Encouraged to smile

Andrea Kincaid found her calling at Texas Children’s after volunteering for Radio Lollipop. Transitioning from a decade in Patient Financial Services to her current role fielding insurance benefit inquiries and obtaining authorizations, Andrea brings her passion for service to every aspect of her work.

Volunteering offers Andrea perspective during difficult times. As a Radio Lollipop volunteer, she brought joy to patients and families through crafts and music, cherishing every smile and moment of connection.

Recalling a heartwarming exchange with a young patient who proclaimed, “If I had my two front teeth, I would smile just as much as you do,” Andrea emphasizes we have much to learn from the joy children find in simple pleasures. The memory is something she takes into her daily life.

“It’s rewarding to just be in the same building as our patients.”

Jose: Motivated to make an impact

Jose Ramirez discovered his passion for service at 16 years old as a junior volunteer. Despite initial hesitation, he embraced the opportunity to connect with patients and fellow volunteers.

During rounds with the snow cone cart his first summer, he was startled by a loud screech as they arrived on a particular floor. The medical team reacted with alarm but quickly realized the sound came from one very excited patient eager for a snow cone.

“The impact that something as simple as a snow cone can have for a patient has kept me motivated to volunteer ever since that first summer.”

Now a medical student at Baylor College of Medicine and aspiring pediatric surgeon, he eagerly anticipates his upcoming clinical rotations. From performing puppet shows to playing board games, volunteering has provided opportunities to bond with and show empathy to patients, giving him a unique perspective that will inform his future career.

Considering volunteering?

“The most important aspect of volunteering is having a heart to love and serve the parents and patients at Texas Children’s Hospital,” said Paul. “It’s an honor to wear that red vest and serve our community.”

If you’re ready to embark on a fulfilling journey, join our diverse team of volunteers dedicated to supporting patients, families and hospital staff. Learn more about our requirements and apply to join our Volunteer Services team today.