Texas Children’s providers and practitioners were prominently featured in a recent virtual workshop on nursing and pharmacy that centered on promoting excellence in care, with a focus on expert assessment and care of children with cancer and essential nursing skills.
Hosted by Global HOPE (Hematology-Oncology Pediatric Excellence) in partnership with health ministries and universities in Botswana, Malawi and Uganda, the Paediatric Nursing and Pharmacy Virtual Workshop was held May 26-28 and drew more than 320 participants from 22 countries.
Founded by Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers, Global HOPE is working to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. The program was launched in 2017 with the Baylor College of Medicine Pediatric AIDS Initiative Network, and a $50 million investment from the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.
Each day of the three-part workshop event began with a welcome from nursing professionals with Global HOPE Uganda, Botswana and Malawi.
Keynote addresses were delivered by Global HOPE Nursing Director Dr. Marilyn Hockenberry, who spoke about the early warning signs of childhood cancer; Dr. Quinn Franklin of the Psychosocial Division of Texas Children’s Cancer & Hematology Center, who spoke about the psychosocial needs of the child and family; and Rhahim Bank of Global HOPE Malawi and Joy Hesselgrave of Texas Children’s Palliative Care, who tackled the sensitive subject of breaking bad news to children and families.
Lectures included a discussion of quality improvement from Texas Children’s Acute Care Specialist Karen Gibbs and Nurse Trainer Joan Nakabiri of Global HOPE Uganda; and a group presentation on pediatric oncology nursing amid COVID-19 by Lisa Morrissey of the Global Nursing Fellowship, clinical coordinator Megan Lurvey, Michelle Schuster of Boston Children’s Hospital and Felistas Chiundra of Kamuzu College of Nursing in Malawi.
The workshop also included opportunities for participants to explore key skills. Nursing officer Cosiate Abenawe and nurse trainer Aisha Nedege of Global HOPE Uganda presented Pediatric Advanced Warning Score (PAWS) for Patient Assessment. Tadala Mulembda, a nurse educator with Global HOPE Malawi, and Pearl Semetsa, principal registered nurse at Princess Marina Hospital in Botswana, shared insights on chemotherapy administration and safe handling.
A wound assessment skills session was presented by an all-Texas Children’s team that included Ryan Krasnosky, director, Surgery Advanced Practice Providers; Susannah Ferguson, clinical lead II, Surgery Advanced Practice Providers; Barbara Richardson and Sharon Wallace of the Wound Ostomy Continence Service; and Michael Pickett, pediatric nurse practitioner.
After fielding a lively question-and-answer period following their presentation, this expert wound care team is now working with Global HOPE Nursing to develop a wound assessment and management course this fall. The course will be offered at no cost to nurses around the world through the online Global HOPE Learning Academy.