Shared governance open house encourages staff participation

Nurses from across the organization are invited to attend a shared governance open house on Tuesday, August 25 on the fourth-floor lobby area of the Pavilion for Women. The event is being held to re-energize, welcome and encourage staff nurses to become active participants in the Shared Governance structure at Texas Children’s Hospital. Shared Governance empowers staff nurses to maintain an active role in decision making that directly impacts patient care and ultimately patient outcomes.

The open house will provide the attendees with a fun, interactive and informative opportunity to learn more about the goals/work of Shared Governance at Texas Children’s Hospital. The event hopes to encourage staff curiosity and participation, while maintaining a robust Shared Governance structure at Texas Children’s Hospital.

The ultimate goal of attendees is to feel empowered, understand the importance of their voice and the impact it has on patient care/outcomes and become active members either at the council or committee level of Shared Governance at Texas Children’s Hospital.

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